Consulting in European projects and structural funds

We design European projects for companies, associations and public bodies. Advice on grants? Just ask JO Consulting.

jo consulting finanziamenti a fondo perduto finanza agevolata

Support for national and EU funds

JO Consulting is a consulting company with expertise in EU projects and structural funds, active in Italy and Europe, specialised since 1998 in consulting in business plan.
JO Consulting manages EU projects throughout Europe, from Iceland to Turkey, from Lithuania to Portugal, and is registered in the Special Section Innovative SMEs of the Register of Companies.

Due to its long experience as European project consultant, JO Consulting helps companies and institutions to get all the funding opportunities from European Commission, National Ministries and Regions.
In these years, thanks to its credibility, JO Consulting has been able to attract grants from the Horizon Europe Programme, the Horizon 2020 Programme, the Erasmus+ Programme, the EURES Axis of the EaSI Programme, the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs, the 7th Framework Programme, the European Fund of Regional Development (ERDF) and many others. 

A concrete support for your EU projects

JO Consulting offers consulting services to companies, associations and public bodies to get EU funds made available by several European calls for proposal.
With a focus on European project management, JO Consulting sets up international partnerships in order to gain credibility within the European context.

Success stories

The JO Consulting history is continuously enriched by hundreds of Clients and Partners throughout Europe who contribute to making it a success story.

Our projects

JO Consulting is involved in many national and European projects. For more details you will be redirected to the JO Group website, where you will find the most recent projects.  

What are you waiting for? Contact us!

Contact us

Tel +39 0950936053 or WhatsApp

Operative office

45 Vittorio Emanuele da Bormida street
95125 Catania (Italy)


37 Mario Sangiorgi street
95129 Catania (Italy)


Il progetto fuTOURiSME, cofinanziato dall’Unione Europea, ha l’obiettivo di supportare le PMI turistiche nella transizione digitale e sostenibile, aiutandole a superare le sfide post-pandemia e ad adattarsi al nuovo contesto socio-economico. Il progetto promuove l’adozione di soluzioni innovative per il turismo esperienziale, migliorando la sostenibilità delle destinazioni turistiche. Le PMI del settore riceveranno formazione mirata e supporto da esperti per sfruttare le opportunità della digitalizzazione e della transizione verde.

JO Consulting è responsabile della realizzazione di un Open Call, per le PMI turistiche interessate a migliorare il loro impatto nel settore, verso un turismo più sostenibile e digitale.


FEM-Up è un progetto co-finanziato dall’Unione Europea, che mira a sostenere l’innovazione e l’empowerment economico delle donne, promuovendo la loro imprenditorialità e la parità di genere. Le principali azioni includono:

  • Incentivare l’occupazione femminile in settori innovativi;
  • Combattere i pregiudizi legati alla leadership femminile.

FEM-Up vuole ispirare le giovani donne a superare barriere sociali e culturali, stimolando la loro creatività attraverso formazione e un concorso per sviluppare idee innovative. L’obiettivo è aumentare il numero di donne imprenditrici in Europa.

JO Consulting guida la creazione dei contenuti formativi e della piattaforma elettronica della Fem-Up Academy.


Il progetto SheFounder_EIW4 si concentra sull’imprenditoria femminile, sia nell’UE che nei Paesi terzi, con l’obiettivo di rafforzare la competitività e la sostenibilità delle imprese guidate da donne. Mira a promuovere una cultura imprenditoriale femminile, supportando la creazione e la crescita di imprese a livello locale e in tutta Europa. Gli obiettivi principali includono la formazione per le nuove imprenditrici, la condivisione di esperienze tra imprenditori, il miglioramento dell’accesso al mercato, la creazione di reti internazionali e il supporto alle strategie UE per una transizione sostenibile, digitale e resiliente.

JO Consulting è responsabile del WP3, che si occupa di costruire relazioni tra imprenditori, analizzando le candidature e facilitando il matching tra nuovi e imprenditori esperti.


TourINN-act, un progetto co-finanziato dall’Unione Europea, mira a supportare le PMI turistiche nell’adottare innovazioni digitali e pratiche sostenibili per superare la crisi del Covid-19. Il progetto promuove la cooperazione transnazionale e la costruzione di capacità, migliorando la modernizzazione delle imprese turistiche e la loro sostenibilità nel medio-lungo termine. 60 PMI ricevono supporto finanziario per implementare soluzioni innovative attraverso progetti sperimentali, con il supporto di strumenti come la Roadmap e il Catalogo Online di soluzioni digitali, e un sistema di matchmaking per trovare fornitori.

JOC fornisce supporto alle start-up, facilita il matching tra ricerca e imprese, e assiste nella pianificazione aziendale.


The fuTOURiSME project, co-funded by the European Union, aims to support tourism SMEs in their digital and sustainable transition, helping them overcome the challenges posed by the post-pandemic period and adapt to the new socio-economic context. The project promotes the adoption of innovative solutions for experiential tourism, enhancing the sustainability of tourist destinations. SMEs in the sector will receive targeted training and support from experts to seize opportunities in digitalization and the green transition.

JO Consulting is responsible for the implementation of an Open Call for tourism SMEs interested in improving their impact in the sector, towards a more sustainable and digital tourism industry.


FEM-Up is a project co-financed by the European Union, aimed at supporting innovation and economic empowerment for women, promoting their entrepreneurship and gender equality. The main actions include:

  • Encouraging female employment in innovative sectors;
    • Combating biases related to female leadership.

FEM-Up seeks to inspire young women to overcome social and cultural barriers, stimulating their creativity through training and a competition to develop innovative ideas. The goal is to increase the number of female entrepreneurs in Europe.

JO Consulting leads the creation of the training content and the electronic platform for the FEM-Up Academy.


The SheFounder_EIW4 project focuses on female entrepreneurship both within the EU and in third countries, aiming to strengthen the competitiveness and sustainability of women-led businesses. It seeks to promote a female entrepreneurial culture, supporting the creation and growth of businesses locally and across Europe. The main objectives include providing training for new women entrepreneurs, facilitating the sharing of experiences between entrepreneurs, improving market access, creating international networks, and supporting EU strategies for sustainable, digital, and resilient transitions.

JO Consulting leads WP3, which focuses on relationship building. This includes analyzing applications from new and established entrepreneurs, assessing their commitment to the project, and facilitating the matching process between new and experienced entrepreneurs.


TourINN-act,  a project co-financed by the European Union,  aims to support tourism SMEs in adopting digital innovations and sustainable practices to overcome the Covid-19 crisis. The project promotes transnational cooperation and capacity building, enhancing the modernization and sustainability of tourism businesses in the medium to long term. 60 SMEs receive financial support to implement innovative solutions through experimental projects, guided by tools such as the Roadmap and the Online Catalogue of digital solutions, along with a matchmaking system to find suppliers.

JOC provides support for start-ups, facilitates matching between research and businesses, and assists with business planning.

Do you want to collaborate with companies all over Europe?

Discover the SHE FOUNDER_EIW4 project and participate in the Erasmus exchange programme for entrepreneurs

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